Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

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Product details

File Size: 17332 KB

Print Length: 273 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits

Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1 edition (September 5, 2012)

Publication Date: September 5, 2012

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#504,397 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

My coworkers tended to describe this book as the New Testament. Working as a Rails Developer, I had heard Sandi Metz mentioned in passing at least a dozen times before I started reading this book. This book was offered to me with a very high set of expectations, and I do not feel that those expectations were entirely merited.My reading experience suffered from three key aspects:(1) Like any author, Metz had to choose some kind of raw material for her examples. She chose... biking (ahem, cycling). This carries a lot of baggage on the West Coast—something akin to choosing horseback riding or fine wines. The decision to use cycling as the cultural center of the book left a really bitter taste in my mouth. The examples felt unapproachable and niche. It's easy to think about the Inheritance pattern that attends the animal, the dog and the golden retriever. It is more than a little self absorbed to think that most of your readers are going to get out of bed for discussions about tape color, recumbent mountain bikes and chain sizes.(2) Metz uses sentence structure that feels overly complicated. The comparison that comes to mind is Aristotle. There were a large number of sentences that I needed to reread. I can only imagine what a slog this book would be for an ESL reader.(3) The spacing and visual style of the code examples were unattractive and unapproachable. This book is six years old but looks like it was written in 1992.The wisdom in this book is absolutely worthy of a 5-star review and I am a stronger engineer for having read it. For engineers working with Ruby, I am not sure that there is a better resource for learning OOP design patterns. That said, this is not the Bible of OOP for developers in all languages. If you are a Swift or Kotlin or C++ developer, look elsewhere.

While the industry moves more towards Functional Programming Paradigms and away from Object-Oriented Thinking, Sandi Metz's book, Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby, published in 2012, still stands the test of time with OOP best-practices. It is truly a practitioner's guide to Navigating Changing Requirements and being truly Agile.The book addresses OOP Anti-patterns and the Reader is taken through iterative steps in evolving the Example Applications throughout the chapters. In some ways, it can be likened to thinking in more of a 'Data-Modeling' Manner, though adapted for OOP instead of Relational Databases.If you work in Software, you should read or re-read this book. The author also has a more recent book available through her web site, which is of similar quality though has more of a Programming or Puzzle-like Feel.

I have programmed in Ruby for a number of years now and still found this book of value. I would not recommend it for absolute beginners because it assumes knowledge of the language, though you will learn general principles. I would recommend it for anyone wanting to get a better grasp of writing good object oriented code, especially in Ruby. I found it helpful to think of Messages sent instead of just the class hierarchy.

I hate bronchitis! Reading "Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby" was a blast. Reading it while ill was frustrating! Lots of thought provoking ideas written in an easy to read style. I kept falling asleep due to sickness and my brain kept yelling "This is cool! Stay awake!" Still, Sandi achieved her goal even through my fog of exhaustion; I now see objects very differently and will happily refactor my code to make it better.The only real ding to the book is Chapter 8's references to Enumerable and Forwardable. Everything else in the book was either easy to read or well explained. These two characters seem to have slipped in without fanfare or explanation. I don't understand them and thus probably missed some of the book's goodness. Perhaps I'll get it later. I still rate this book a 5 star buy!

This is my favorite tech read so far this year. It takes a straight-forward approach to writing code that you won't hate yourself for a day or month or year later.The term "design" in the title is not referring to making wild speculative guesses about the future and planning for any number of contingencies, it is about arranging the code so that it is understandable, and to minimize cost and pain.There is a focus on designing the communication between objects as much as focusing on the structure of the objects themselves, which I found to be extremely interesting. This discussion helped clarify a lot of thoughts and ideas about abstractions and where responsibilities belong, as well as the directions of dependencies -- things that had been rattling around in my brain for a while but that I had trouble applying in the real world. Reading this let me put all these pieces together (and then some) into a coherent whole. Or at least a coherent seed of a whole.The code examples are simple, but the author manages to wrangle some serious dramatic tension out of every line of code, and they illustrate the concepts covered well enough that I was able to make the leap to applying the concepts in much more complex code bases.The chapter on testing was sublime. It took an immensely practical approach to which methods to test and which tests to write in order to avoid duplication and brittleness in both tests and designs.I also appreciated that none of the discussions were about any sort of moral superiority. The discussions were about getting things done. The argument for arranging code nicely wasn't about aesthetics or professional duty, but rather about lowering cost and allowing you to make changes without causing expensive outages and making people frustrated.Soap boxes? Sure. High horses? Nowhere in sight.Note: I read a pre-release version of the book. I did not know the author at the time, but sent her quite a lot of feedback, which led to several conversations to clarify. When I waxed enthusiastic about the contents, she asked if she could forward this to the publisher, and a quote ended up in the paper copy.





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